Conyers Adventist Academy

Transforming Characters to Transform the World

School Fees

School fees include registration and tuition. 

Please use the following link to pay:


Registration fee for each student from Pre-K to 8th Grade is $400.00 for the 2024-2025 school year.

                                                                  9th - 12th Grade is $1,175 for the 2024-2025 School year.



Tuition is assessed on grade level and affiliation to Conyers Seventh-day Adventist Church. Families belonging to the Conyers SDA Church, the entity that sponsors the Academy, will receive a subsidy in fees. SDA members from other congregations will also receive a subsidy. All other families will benefit from our low tuition, which we are committed to keeping at a minimum for the benefit of all families.


   2024-2025  Tuition Fees Conyers Adventist Academy   
Membership Pre-K & Kindergarten Grades 1- 6 Grades 7-8 Grades 9-12
Conyers SDA Members $405.00 $385.00 $455 $722
Constituent Members $455.00 $435.00 $505 $722
Non-SDA Members  $505.00 $485.00 $555 $722


Related Information

Admissions Documents Registration Student Handbook Student Supply List Uniforms